That possibility is becoming increaingly worrying. Normally he calls me every morning after he leaves for work. This morning nothing. I am tempted to call him or at least send a text.
I don't dare for fear of the worst. If she does know or at least suspects my text message may confirms it. Better to sit tight.
Tried distracting myself by checking my inbox for my online dating profile. Depressing - 4 messages 2 a bit tatooed and 'oi mate', 1 in his 50's but could easily 'get on the bus for free' and the last one separated from a 22 year old marriage with 3 kids and looking to start life over. Poor guy looks like he has had his life sapped from him.
At least my career is on an upswing. I am about to accept a very prestigious post. It comes with an attractive salary. Not huge, but this will up my profile considerably in my industry. I sometimes wonder if my career is to blame for being single. I was watching Sex in the City where Miranda went speed dating as a partner in a law firm and got zero intrest until she said she was a 'trolly dolly'. Ping she got a date from a doctor. Ok he lied as well but she got laid.
Of course it never would have worked out. But it got me to wondering why and not for the first time. I always thought that if I became a high quality woman I would attract a high quality man. Again I not talking about money. I am no gold digger. What I want is an easy and pleasant life. I want travel, adventure, a comfortable home, warmth, security and to do something I enjoy and that makes a difference.
"Attracting and dating a beaultiful, educated and successful woman in not every guy's cup of tea. Unlike women with basic education, special skills are required to date these women."
The article above is certainly true for me, but I never knew these were special skills. I thought not using cheesey chat up lines and trying to get a woman to go back to yours on a first date applied to all women? I never realised these were rules that are unknown to men as they only apply to a very small sample and special classification of women, 'educated womean' only. Jeepers more argument for pro-education I say! Time to educate the men as well.
When a man goes out with a woman, he’s not as concerned with whether she’s articulate and on track to make partner at the law firm.

An easy and a pleasant life. Who wouldn't want that?
It also is the same reason why men cheat rather than rock the boat. I just hope for all of us that the boat isn't rockng.
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