I have been in long term relationships and noticed the decline of sex. With one boyfriend the last two years of our relationship were entirely sexless. I talk to my girlfriends about this all the time and even they say how common it is.
Yet I am constantly amazed how big this club is. The number of no-strings attached sites is huge with hundreds of thousands of members. Finding a married man with whom to have an affair with is easy.
In the beginning of a no fantasies start about sex with other people. Of course at first they would never dream of breaking the taboo as well as becoming a cheater. Over time, frustration, anger, sadness, confusion, build up to point the idea enters as a possibility. Thinking about it more and more it becomes easy to justify it. When it becomes acceptable they get the courage to act on it.
Any guilty feelings are lessened because I know that Loverboy was at the 'possibility' point when I came along. His ad on a no-strings-attached sex site was already up and running.
The quality of men on the illicit affair sites are actually higher than the on the dating sites. By quality I am talking better looking, educated, successful and take better care of themselves. Also the ads almost always state that going out to nice restaurants is involved. They want the whole romantic and sensual package with a smart sexy and intelligent woman. Not a quick fuck in an alley or a slapper. I have now added a profile to a couple of the sites and have started to consider if maybe I should consider taking on another lover who is also married but has more time and can do weekends away.
Loverboy is sneaking around but a lot of men are doing it with their wives' consent. I was talking with one man who's wife told him to get a lover. She hates going out and feels fat and frumpy but she is happy that way as she just wants to stay home and look after the kids while keeping house. She has no desire to even go away on city breaks or do any of the fun stuff her husband wants to do. Yet together at home they are content but admit that they can't give each other what they want.
I think about often about how risky marriage is with the divorce rate and cost. I wonder if a more relaxed attitude to extramarital affairs would alleviate it. Loverboy says that now that he is getting sex (with me) he is happier in his marriage than he has been in awhile. At the point he was placing the contact ad he was considering walking out.
Would be interesting if there were statistics with other men with mistresses on impact of the marriage. After all men never leave their wives for a mistress right?