Once upon a time I looked at the world through rose tinted glasses. On the days leading up to Valentine's Day the rose tint strengthened and everything seemed romantic. I spent money on romatic accessories for my home - lights with hearts on a sting were place in the fire place mantle. I bought cented candles, pink champagne, bubble bath, chocolates, cupcakes, flowers, roses, orchids, and beautiful accessories. On Valentine's day my house has a beautiful and romantic glow. No guy ever came close to making Valentine's Day special.
I know I got flowers and on one occasion roses. I also got stuffed animals carrying hearts. Cards of course and one occasion I also got a cheap box of chocolates in a heart shaped box. If course dinner in a restaurant was the norm.
But when I think back what was missing was true romance. I wanted a trail of petals and to be awed and surpised. What I got was like they ticked off the script. Card check, flowers - these will do, dinner yup - done!
Loverboy and I have plans to get together on Valentines and I joked, "Please don't pile up the usual mountain of presents and flowers. I only have a small house and it so hard every year to find room for everything!" His repsonse was that us seeing each other should be enough. He doesn't like to be told when he should be romantic just because it says so on he calendar.
I bought my self a nice box of heart shaped chocs in purple foil, a lipstick red orchid, a bottle of pink champagne and candles. The heart shapped lights are out on the fireplace hearth and the lounge looks like a nice romantic haven. In the bedroom are the purple silk sheets and champagne pink throw with roses by the table lamp.
Valentine's Day will be romantic come hell or high water. Even if it is just something I feel.
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