Tuesday, 2 October 2007

Learning the tactics and strategies for lasting love

The article in the Daily Mail has really got me thinking hard. It is not just because I have persued a career that I am single. I lost men to other women along the way and had guys who just weren't ready and then went and married the next girl they saw. I could have understood if the women were better looking, richer and offered more status. But in most cases it wasn't clear.
So in mission to spend the next two weeks as productive as possible I am going to invesitgate the laws of attraction.

Time to hit the books again. I downloaded Christian's Carter's ebook "Catch Him and Keep Him" and started reading that last night. I have also just ordered the delux DVD collection.

But that is only a part of it. Falling in love triggers a chemical process and that process is also what I want to master.

According to New Scientist Magazine chemistry is blame for allowing yourself to fall in love with a married man.



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