Men will usually always treat authority figures well. But if they are having an affair their current wife/partner is the most important one to pay attention to...
How he treats them is eventually how he will treat you once the honeymoon period is over.
It is always good to have a mental checklist of the core traits that are important and not to excuse him if he doesn't have them. There are no excuses for bad behaviour. Mine are:
- Kindness
- Is he respectful?
- Empathy
- Trust
- Honour
Last night I walked up the pretty steps into their beautiful home for dinner. I was an invited guest of Loverboy and his wife.
It was a wake up call. Loverboy and his wife always seemed the perfect couple. But then the grass always looks greener on the other side...
Soon as wife stepped out of the room to get me a drink he was all over me. He dominated the conversationbarely letting his wife get a word in. He was mean to her and snapped at her several times. He had his hand down my top when she walked in the room I am sure she caught him.
I was shocked by this side to him. This is a man who has been telling me this is just a short term affair. He showed me the pictures of them in Thailand and kept his mouth shut when she said she looked fat and old in one. I knew what he was thinking.
I felt very ill at ease. Even in front of her he was very touchy and tactile with me. At one point he was stroking my new top and telling me he loved it and how pretty I looked. It was a pricey top I just bought the day before. I know for a fact how tight he is with his wife's clothing budget.
Towards the end of the evening I was more than ready to leave. He didn't want me to leave. His wife was falling asleep and kept closing her eyes. Loverboy suggested she go to bed. I knew his wife didn't want to go to bed while I was still sitting next to her husband. I said I was leaving and started to get up. Loverboy glarred at me and told me to stay and finish my drink.
Loverboy shouted at her to go to bed and he would follow in 5 minutes. After witnessing his behaviour I was curious to find out if the 'bit of fun' was in fact becoming more serious and whether he was now contemplating leaving his wife for me.
Despite his behaviour I got a resolute 'this is going to end some time, I can't lead two lives'... in the next breath he was telling me how badly he wanted to hold me all night and cuddle up beside me on my bed and how he hates leaving me when he visits. His tendernous and emotional out pourings didn't last long before he was vigoursly fucking me. He then asked me to suck him off
Of course I should have told him where to go but I didn't.
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