Thursday 17 January 2008

Grass is green and so is jealously

Loverboy and I have had a few more opportunities than usual and spoken to each other daily as well as seeing each other all but one day. A lot of our time is spent having sex. However we do a fair amount of talking. This week we met for a drink and rode home together in a taxi chatting away. I tell him about my dating progress, the old boyfriend that crawled out the woodwork, my work, what my plans are for the week, what his plans are for the week, things in the news, the weather and anything really.

Everything except his relationship with his wife. I don't ask. In part because I fear the answer. I suspect it is going well and things are good at the moment. All the signs are there. They are planning their vacations for this year. He is talking about his promotion and thinking to the future when they might be able to afford a bigger house.

We have no plans. The closest we have to a plan is date when he thinks his wife will be out. Nothing is certain. I have no plans. I would love a bigger house but I can't afford it on my own. I would love to travel but I hate the idea of travelling on my own. I have plans to out with friends but that is all part of my regular routine. When you are single and live alone you go out for the sake of going out. It is hardly a special occasion.

A special occasion for me was when he carried my bag of garbage down to the street for me. The grass is always greener....

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